Tuesday, October 03, 2006

on sunday we took the students to see the movie Facing the Giants, and let me say the church who put the film together deserves much applause for all the hard work they put in to making the movie a quality movie with such a biblical message of commitment. the truths conveyed in that movie are often put into other movies as well, but usually from a distorted point of view. it is very common to see a movie or tv show that talks about giving your best on a football field, and it's common to hear messages of unity and self confidence as well. however, those messages usually teach unity for the sake of a small goal, like a simple football trophy; and confidence is all about each individual trying to get his own respect, regardless of what it cost anyone else.

in Facing the Giants, though, the message is clear. In fact, i would say that, even though i grew up hearing about honoring God in everything you do, including sports, that principal never made as much sense to me as it did in the movie. The story does an excellent job of demonstrating that faith in God is meant to saturate every part of our lives, not just one or two. the setting is a Christian high school, which indicates that the students and coaches and parents would know what "living for God" means, and even practice that life every day - at least in their own minds. as days go on, however, it becomes very evident that everyone is settling for the motions of the daily Christian checklist rather than obeying God by giving Him the honor in everything.

i don't want to give the movie away for those of you who haven't seen it yet, so i won't go any further. just make sure you have some tissues ready if you're even moderately prone to get emotional during movies. i'll admit the actors won't be mistaken for professionals, but they are Christians in real life who have a message to get out. and that's what makes the movie worth seeing. well, that and the football action. they held nothing back in making some of those hits look very real and very painful. thanks to the church who took on this project; thanks to God for providing them with the resources and abilities; and a special thanks to all of you who voiced your opinions to our local theater, urging them to show the movie.


Blogger Deacontim said...

Good web log on the movie. I had about forgotten about it, now I want to see it more than ever. Is it still playing?

4:00 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Branch said...

uh, i know they played it a second week but i'm not sure if it's still there...

9:15 AM  

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