Friday, September 01, 2006

about a week or so ago, i posted some thoughts on how we all share the responsibility of helping students become followers of Christ. this is a massive, overwhelming challenge that often leaves all of us feeling like we just don't stand a chance. one responsibility of churches and youth ministries is to come along side of parents, and those who find themselves needing to fill in as parents, and help and encourage them in every way. in wanting to do just that, i've compiled a list of some websites that i hope you will find helpful. while i'm certain these are not the only beneficial sites available, these are the ones i have had a chance to browse through and feel comfortable recommending.

  • Dare 2 Share

  • This is one of my favorites. Dare 2 Share is a ministry started by Greg Stier, who's blog can be found through my links section. the biggest benefit for parents is, on the home page, you'll find a link for "soulfuel," which has it's own link labeled "For Parents." From there you'll find biblical principles with discussion starters that will help you initiate conversations with you teenagers.

  • Battle Cry

  • I've included this link on a post before, but it's worth including again. The first mission trip i participated in was through Teen Mania Ministries, and Ron Luce's testimony of how and why God called him to do youth ministry in the United States is amazing. the Battle Cry site has great articles that will help make you aware of popular trends and their potential implications.

  • Home Word

  • Home Word is a website by Jim Burns, almost an authority on youth ministry. This site offers a newsletter, podcasts, and articles to encourage and help parents.

  • Lee Strobel

  • Famous for all of his "Case" books, Lee Strobel has apparently made a case for his own website. He tackles a lot of thoughts that try to disprove Christianity. I personally think that Christian teenagers would fare much better through and after high school if they could counter the philosophies some of their teachers are masking as "wisdom."

  • Focus on the Family

  • You've probably been familiar with this site for some time, but a reminder never hurts. This is a big site and easy to get lost on, so i just want to plug a couple of it's features - like Brio magazine for teen girls, Breakaway magazine for guys, and Plugged In - helpful for movie and music reviews.

  • BSafe

  • and
  • Be Safe Online

  • these websites offer good information to keep you and your students safe online. while there are a lot of different threats out there, i am particularly concerned with pornography. Sexual material is too easy to get into and too hard to get out of to close our eyes and hope it goes away. these sights can help you protect your family, especially your teenagers, from getting into a cleverly set trap that behaves like an addiction.

    I'll also include these in my links section below my profile. i hope you find some wisdom, encouragement, and support from these sites. and know that we are praying for you as parents, and will always be eager to help you in any way we can. "throw yourselves into the work of the master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort." 1 corinthians 15:58 (message)


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